1) Convenience Products
2) Shopping Products
3) Speciality Products
4) Unsought Products
A convenience Product is the product that is bought much more frequently by a consumer. For instance: laundry detergent, food, fast-foods, magazenes, ect.
A Shopping Product is usually a product that consumers compare. They compare prices, style, design or other details. Consumers spend much time in these kinds of products. For example: Cars, used cars, airline tickets, clothing, ect.
Speciality Product is a product with a brand indentification and has a unique design or use. Consumers are willing to spend money on that especific product. For instance: Gucci designer's clothing, Designer's clothing, proffesional equiptment, ect.
Unsought Product is a product that consumers may or may not know about but do not consider buying under normal conditions. For example: Life insurance, pre-planned funeral services, ect.
Sorry for any grammar errors. Hope this is useful.