Match the condition with the appropriate response. ________ 7. acromioclavicular sprain
a. winging of the scapula ________ 8. clavicular fracture
b. drop arm test ________ 9. anterior scalene syndrome
c. apprehension test ________10. glenohumeral dislocation
d. compressed subclavian artery ________11. impingement syndrome
e. contusion of acromion process ________12. posterior capsular syndrome f. cocking phase causes this ________13. serratus anterior weakness g. acceleration phase causes this ________14. shoulder pointer h. deceleration phase causes this ________15. strain of pectoral muscle i. direct blow to tip of shoulder ________16. supraspinatus strain j. greenstick in adolescents ________17. thoracic outlet syndrome k. compression of brachial plexus