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The answer is male pseudohermaphrodite. While Claire could be intrinsically male due to the presence of the Y chromosome but could have mutations that alter some critical androgenic receptors or defective enzymes in the biochemical pathway (such as that of converting testosterone to DHT) that require producing male features.
Male Pseudohermaphroditism
Pseudohermaphroditism, also known as ambiguous genitalia, is a condition in which the individual has a single chromosomal and gonadal sex, but combines the characteristics of both sexes in the outer genitalia, generating doubt as to the true sex.
In most cases (75%), both types of gonadal tissue (ovary and testis) are present in two mixed gonads, called ovotestis; in other cases, one side of the body is a testis and the other an ovary, and may also be an ovotestis on one side and a testis or ovary on the other.
Male Pseudohermaphroditism
In this case, the anomaly does not affect the individual's karyotype, and it is XY, affecting only the external genitalia. However, they have testicles that may be housed in the abdominal region, inguinal or in the large lips.
They have a short vagina that ends in a blind bottom. In addition, they are sterile and do not menstruate. The internal genital conduits are usually male since the testes synthesize antimüllerian hormone.
This condition results from the lack of tissue response to male hormones. The insensitivity of cells stems from the lack of cell receptors for testosterone and also for its active form, called 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone. Thus, although these hormones are being synthesized, they do not bind to the cells in which they must act.
Since individuals are unable to respond to androgens at all stages of life, they develop as women due to the presence of estrogen synthesized by the testes and adrenals.
Although surgical resection of the male gonads is not recommended, as they are sources of estrogen, they tend to develop tumors in adulthood, and therefore its removal by the age of 20 is indicated, by which time it was completed sexual development.