Of the following items, which form of currency is the most durable and portable?
olive oil
tulip bulbs
In the early 1800s, which of the following was not authorized to issue currency?
churches counties

Respuesta :

The items which are most durable as a form of currency (and are also the most portable) would most likely be olive oil. Olive oil has a long shelf time and doesn't require nor take up much space. It is very precious in lower quantities and is therefore a good currency. 

In the early 1800s, stores weren't authorized to issue currency themselves. 

1. ANSWERS: Olive Oil

EXPLANATION: Olive Oil is the most durable and portable form of currency as it takes longer shelf life and takes less space.

2. ANSWER: Stores

EXPLANATION: In 1800s, stores were not allowed to issue currency. Few people say that churches were not allowed to issue but the fact being that churches earned illegal commission by issuing currencies at premium.