Each and every immigrant has a different interpretation of the American Dream. The most stereotypical American Dream is to return to their home country wealthy. Many immigrants never have, and never will fully fulfill the American Dream. Few immigrants returned to their families in their origin countries, wealthy and happy. But, working low wage jobs in the U.S. was beneficial for some, not all, immigrants. America needed immigrant workers for long, tedious labor that many citizens were unwilling to do. Some could send money back to their families, and children could also attend school, as the U.S. probably offered a better education than the one available in their home country. Then, the immigrant's children, now educated, were more skilled than their parents, and could hope for better paying jobs. This slow climb from the bottom of the social system was hard, but rewarding.
For more information, check your textbook and look at reliable online sources like bibliographies (NOT WIKIPEDIA!!!) :)