Make a sorted integer array a[i]=i, i=0,…,n-1. Let bs(a,n,x) be a binary search program that returns the index i of array a[0..n-1] where a[i]=x. Obviously, the result is bs(a,n,x)=x, and the binary search function can be tested using the loop:
for(j=0; j for(i=0; i
Select the largest n your software can support and then K so that this loop with an iterative version of bs runs 3 seconds or more. Then measure and compare this run time and the run time of the loop that uses a recursive version of bs. Compare these run times using maximum compiler optimization (release version) and the slowest version (minimum optimization or the debug version). If you have a desktop machine, use it. If you must use a laptop, make measurements using AC power, and then the same measurements using only the battery.
What conclusions can you derive from these experiments? Who is faster? Why? What is the time for executing a single bs program? If you have different compilers you can compare them.

Respuesta :


import java.util.*;

public class Main



int binarySearch1(int arr[], int l, int r, int x) //Binary search using recursion


if (r >= l) {

int mid = l + (r - l) / 2;



if (arr[mid] == x) .// if the mid element is the search elemnent return mid;

return mid;


if (arr[mid] > x)

return binarySearch1(arr, l, mid - 1, x); //if x is on the right side search on right side.



return binarySearch1(arr, mid + 1, r, x); // if x is on left side search on left side.





return -1;



int binarySearch2(int arr[], int x) //Binary search using Iteration



int l = 0, r = arr.length - 1;

while (l <= r) {

int mid = l + (r - l) / 2;


if (arr[mid] == x)  // if the mid element is the search elemnent return mid;

return mid;


if (arr[mid] < x) // if x is on left side search on left side.

l = mid + 1;




r = mid - 1;  //if x is on the right side search on right side.



return -1;



  public static void main(String[] args) {

  Scanner scan=new Scanner(;

  System.out.println("Enter the elemnts of the array"); //taking elemnts of array

  int n=scan.nextInt();

      int arr[]= new int[n];


      for(int i=0;i<n;i++)



      System.out.println("Enter the number you want to search");

      int k=scan.nextInt();


      Main ob = new Main();


      long start1 = System.nanoTime(); //systems current time in nano seconds


      int p=ob.binarySearch1(arr,0,n-1,k);

      long end1 = System.nanoTime(); //systems current time in nano seconds

long microseconds1 = (end1 - start1) / 1000; //measuring time elapsed for recusive binary search


      //long startTime2 = System.currentTimeMillis();



      long start2 = System.nanoTime();   //systems current time in nano seconds

      int q= ob.binarySearch2(arr,k);


  long end2 = System.nanoTime();   //systems current time in nano seconds

long microseconds2 = (end2 - start2) / 1000; //measuring the time elapsed for iterative binary search




      System.out.println(microseconds1); //Printing the time elapsed for both the methods




Explanation- Since in recursive binary search there will always be a overhead of manipulating call stack the time taken by recursive binary search is a little more than iterative binary search. Though the time complexity of both the algorithm is O(nLogn).
