1. espejo champú maquillaje crema de afeitar 2. bañarse ducharse lavarse ponerse 3. inodoro ducha lavabo pantuflas 4. despertador levantarse jabón despertarse 5. entonces manos cara pelo 2 Ordenar Order the events from 1 to 5. Aarón se despierta a las siete, pero no se levanta hasta las siete y cuarto. Se pone la ropa y come el desayuno (breakfast). Va al baño y se ducha; luego se afeita. Antes de vestirse, se cepilla el pelo. Se cepilla los dientes, se pone los zapatos y por último sale para sus clases. 3 ¿Lógico o ilógico? Indicate whether each statement is lógico or ilógico. 1. Después de bañarse, Alfredo necesita un despertador. lógico ilógico 2. Valentina se levanta, se viste y por último se ducha. lógico ilógico 3. La niña se lava el pelo con champú. lógico ilógico 4. Antes de comer, los chicos se ponen las manos. lógico ilógico 5. La señora Bustamante se lava la cara y luego se maquilla. lógico ilógico 4 Analogías Complete the analogies. Follow the model. Modelo lavabo : lavarse :: ducha : ducharse Question 1 with 1 blanklevantarse : acostarse :: despertarse : Question 2 with 1 blankcepillarse los dientes : pasta de dientes :: lavarse las manos : Question 3 with 1 blankacostarse : dormirse :: despertarse : Question 4 with 1 blankcrema de afeitar : afeitarse :: ropa : Question 5 with 1 blankpor la noche : por la mañana :: después de :

Respuesta :


1. mirror shampoo makeup shaving cream 2. bathe shower wash wash put 3. toilet shower basin slippers 4. alarm clock wake up soap wake up 5. then hands face hair 2 Order Order the events from 1 to 5. Aaron wakes up at seven, but He doesn't get up until a quarter past seven. He puts on his clothes and eats breakfast (breakfast). He goes to the bathroom and showers; Then he shaves. Before dressing, brush your hair. He brushes his teeth, puts on his shoes and finally leaves for his classes. 3 Logical or illogical? Indicate whether each statement is logical or illogical. 1. After bathing, Alfredo needs an alarm clock. logical illogical 2. Valentina gets up, dresses and finally showers. logical illogical 3. The girl washes her hair with shampoo. logical illogical 4. Before eating, the boys put their hands. logical illogical 5. Mrs. Bustamante washes her face and then puts on makeup. logical illogical 4 Analogies Complete the analogies. Follow the model. Model washbasin: wash :: shower: shower Question 1 with 1 blank stand up: lie down :: wake up: Question 2 with 1 blank brush your teeth: toothpaste :: wash your hands: Question 3 with 1 blankacostar: fall asleep :: wake up: Question 4 with 1 blank shaving cream: shaving :: clothing: Question 5 with 1 blank at night: in the morning :: after:
