Washington once said, "I hope I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man."

Which of the following events in Washington's life is the best evidence of this statement? (1 point)

President Washington worked to establish good relations with Great Britain by supporting the Jay Treaty.

When war broke out between Britain and France, Washington did not allow the U.S. to take sides with either nation.

When Washington resigned as commander in chief of the Continental Army, he stepped down and returned to private life.

George Washington set a lasting precedent by giving both an inaugural and a farewell address to Congress and the nation.

Respuesta :

Answer: B


When war broke out between Britain and France, Washington did not allow the U.S. to take sides with either nation.

He said that the other side would be mad if the United States did join.

The answer to the question is B. Hope this helps!

Answer: B. When war broke out between Britain and France, Washington did not allow the U.S. to take sides with either nation.


George Washington is regarded as the father of this country. He was a Founding Father, took the Continental Army to victory, and was America's first President.  He was the first President who placed importance on Intelligence (not I.Q., but National Security). He was an important Freemason and was initiated in Virginia. The cornerstone of the U.S. Capitol was laid by him and the masons. The apotheosis of Washington in the Capitol certainly places him in a "highly elevated" position in our history. A lot of conspiracies also surround him. The majority are unfounded and illogical.

A lot of his character and actions are brought under intense scrutiny. Some say he fathered a child with his "negro" servant. Others question his character and truthfulness therein. His biographer believes that the story about the cherry tree and him not telling a lie was unlikely. However, many people can agree that he was an upright man and sought to leave this place better than he found it.

Hope this helps.