[Files, for loops, exceptions; 20pt] Using a for loop, write a function called countWord(). It takes 2 parameters: The name of a text file (e.g. gettysburg.txt that is included with this test) and a word to be searched within that file. Your code should return the number of times the given word appears in the file. Capitalization should not matter. Make certain to handle file exceptions gracefully.

Respuesta :

def countWord(name, word):


       f = open(name, "r")

       lst = ([])

       w = ""

       for x in f.readlines():

           w += x.lower()

       lst = w.split()


       return lst.count(word)

   except FileNotFoundError:

       print("Please create a file or use the name of an existing text file.")

print("Your word appears", countWord("gettysburg.txt", "random"), "time(s)")

The text file I used for testing looks like:

random words

random words

I'm putting random words in here


this is random


I didn't really know what exceptions your professor is looking for so I just used the file not found one. Best of luck.