Using the tables for water, determine the specified property data at the indicated states. In each case, locate the state on sketches of the p–υ and T–υ diagrams.a. At p = 3 bar, υ = 0.5 m3 /kg, find T in °C and u in kJ/kg.b. At T = 320°C, υ = 0.03 m3 /kg, find p in MPa and u in kJ/kg.c. At p = 28 MPa, T = 520°C, find υ in m3 /kg and h in kJ/kg.d. At T = 10°C, υ = 100 m3 /kg, find p in kPa and h in kJ/kg.e. At p = 4 MPa, T = 160°C, find υ in m3 /kg and u in kJ/kg.