Write 76% as a decimal and as a reduced fraction.
Decimal : 0.76
Fraction : 76/100, which then simplifies to 38/50, because you divide the numerator & denominator by 2. Then, you divide them by 2 again, and get 19/25.
Reduced Fraction : 19/25
2) Po messes up 4 out of every 10 moves.
So, to make this slightly easier, we're going to turn that (above) into a fraction!
Fraction : 4/10
Then, we turn it into a decimal.
To turn it into a decimal, multiply 4/10 by 10/10, so that the denominator is 100.
Fraction: 4/10 × 10/10 = 40/100
Decimal : Because the denominator is 100, all we have to do is add a decimal marking 2 places to the left of the last digit. (0.40)
Now, because we have our decimal, we simply say that the percentage is 40%.
Why? Because if the decimal is in the hundredths place, all you need to do is take the numbers on the right side of the decimal marking, and add a percentage sign to it.
~Hope I helped!~