In the classic tale Moby D, Captain Ahab is consumed by his need to punish the white whale that sank his boat and took his leg. This obsession takes over the captain's mind, and he drowns during another encounter with the whale.

What is the resolution in this story?
The white whale sank the Captain's boat.
The Captain drowns during another encounter with the whale.
The white whale takes the Captain's leg.
The obsession to hunt the whale takes over the Captain's mind.

Respuesta :

The answer is "The caption drowns during another encounter with the whale" its the resulution because the caption dies and is no longer able to kill the whale.

The resolution in classic tale Moby D is the obsession to hunt the whale that takes over the Captain's mind.

What is resolution?

A resolution is a strict decision taken by an individual to achieve his/her motive.

What is tale?

Tale refers to a short story. It can be based either on true events or fictitious information.

As it is discussed in the classic tale Moby D, Captain is so much obsessed to punish the white whale who is responsible to sank his boat and also he loss his leg in this incident. The obsession was taken over the mind of the captain and he drown while encounter the whale second time.

Hence, the correct option is D

To learn more about tale here